Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New Title new year

Okay, so I have had a major case of blogger's block. Looking for an identity, and trying to figure out what to write about. I always have a lot going on in my head. Usually I'm pretty random. This is apparent in the frequency of my writing and the subjects I choose to write about. I'm not going to make a new resolution that the trend is going to change. I'm a bipolar blogger. With all that said, I still love writing and sharing. My goal is to write every week. I want to encourage, to tell stories, to share my crazy life, to share my opinions, and most of all to share my faith.

 The previous title, Ministry, Motherhood, and the USA was a great start for me, because those are all my main focuses. As I thought about it however, I really wanted a different title. For weeks I have been going over different titles. I researched other blogs and what the author's chose to name them. I couldn't come up with anything original. Nothing was really setting right with me. Even the title I did change it to Transforming Erica, seemed, weird. So sitting here I went to the edit screen and thought well I'm going to leave it blank for now until I get something good. Unfortunately, I couldn't just leave it blank, the screen wouldn't let me. So I typed 'work in progress'  in the Title bar. Almost like its under construction. Then as I looked at it, I realized, that's pretty much it. That is my life and my journey. So I decided to go with it. I am a work in progress and in fact we all are. It is a journey that takes many turns, many ups, and many downs. It never really ends. We never stop growing or moving or changing. So that's it. The new title. I hope you stay tuned! Its going to get exciting!

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