Monday, March 10, 2014

Blind spot

The first new car that Bill and I ever bought, that  required a car payment, was our PT Cruiser. It was electric blue and I loved it. It was reliable and we put a lot of miles on it until we sold it last year. I don't have anything negative to say about the car, except that it had the worst blind spots. I cut off a bunch of people, on accident. Whenever I looked behind me to check my right side it was nearly impossible to see anything. I couldn't get an accurate view of what was going on behind me. It was scary on the highway, it was nerve racking in traffic, and it made driving the car a little risky.

I've been thinking a lot about blind spots in life. Lately I have analyzed our lives in ministry. I have begun to realize that people have spiritual weaknesses that can cause extremely risky behavior. It can be something that they are totally unaware of. It can be something they chose to ignore. It can be something that they downplay because they don't think it is a big deal. A lot of the time, the only way to see over the obstruction is to take a good hard look inside.

It takes courage and faith. Let's face it, no one wants to admit what their weaknesses are, whether they are big or small, major or minor. The reality is we all have them. One of mine, is when I have had a breakthrough in my life. I have worked really hard and finally accomplished something, or have seen a big challenge through. It is when I sit down feeling victorious and accomplished that I let my guard down. I rest too long, thinking that the feeling of accomplishment will last forever. Then, I open my eyes and realize that I missed something. I could have kept going and accomplished more. I could have started something new while in that moment of elation. I'm not saying its wrong to rest after a huge battle is won. Its just that being ready to get up and go at it again is where I seem to falter. I always realize after the fact and feel like kicking myself. I couldn't see the value of riding that wave of success.

So how do we deal with blind spots in our lives? How can we overcome these areas that seem to trip us up? How can we avoid a traffic hazard?

First, I think honest prayer is essential. Its hard to ask God to show you something about yourself. Coming to God about our weaknesses is not always easy. We want to present ourselves to God with no faults. Often we forget His grace and mercy. It is also a form of confession. Admitting to God that we don't have it all together. Confessing that we need Him to show us where we might be falling short. It can be painful, because God WILL answer this prayer. He will show you where you need to change. In fact, He wants to show you so that He can give you the power to change it. That's the best part, He won't show you your mistakes and then leave you alone to deal with them. He'll show you His grace and help you to make it right.
Romans 8:26 says "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us." You don't have to deal with yourself alone.

Next, ask someone you trust. The Bible says that iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). Its a metaphor for how friendship works. The ability to ask a close friend what they think is risky. You are putting trust on the line. However a true friend can give you a clearer view of what you may not see (Proverbs 27:6). It's like having someone ride shotgun with you. If someone was in the front seat next to me while I was driving the cruiser, I could always ask them to double check that blind spot. I knew that they could see what I could not. It helped me to avoid many a collision. Make sure you have those kind of people in your life. God will use them to answer your prayer to Him. Proverbs 27: 9 says "Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice."

Lastly, you need to be able to admit you have those areas that can derail you. After asking God, after asking a friend, its up to you to say "Yeah, I need to change that." The ball will end up in your court. You can choose to deal with it, to make an effort to be aware of that part of yourself, or you can ignore it. I've witnessed both scenarios. When people decide to ignore it, its tragic. Mistakes are made, wrong paths are chosen, and choices have negative consequences. When people adjust, no matter how painful or difficult it may be to face, they grow, they avoid pitfalls, they become better. Song of Solomon 2:15 talks about catching the small foxes that spoil the vineyard. You have to get rid of the little things that nip at you. The small or large issues that hold you back. They keep you from growing, from bearing good fruit. From being a whole, successful person.

So what's your blind spot? Do you have any idea? Are you willing to find out? If you want to see your life transformed, begin by asking these questions prayerfully. That is a good place to start. Its not just about surrender its about recognizing who you are. Be blessed! God has so much for you, get on your knees and find out what it is.

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