Wednesday, September 11, 2013

But even if He doesn't...

So right at this moment, I'm sitting in the recovery room with my husband who just had surgery to repair his ACL. He's a little woozy and sleepy so while I wait, I 'm thinking and writing my next blog post by hand in my journal. So hopefully as I translate my terrible freehand into times new roman, this blog will reach someone today.

Often in Sunday school we hear the story of the fiery furnace with wide eyes and childlike faith. We are amazed that God saved those three guys with the weird names from being burned alive. As I began reading this chapter again for the umpteenth time however, I discovered more than I had ever seen before.  I was amazed with the way the Shadrach Meshach, and Abednego responded to the king's threats.

Now these days, "Why God?" crosses my mind a lot more often than I care to admit. When I see tragedy, sickness, rumors of war, children being abused, hopeless pointless living, and lack of purpose, I am flabbergasted. So "Why God" seems  to be my only response to all of this. However, when I read the way three young men dealt with their imminent death it helped me put into perspective a life lived in faith no matter what.

Now understand, for these three guys bowing down to the King.s image was a violation of their Jewish tradition, so they had a choice in front of them. That was to do what all of society was doing and in one moment sacrifice their integrity to save their lives or to face the penalty. Humbly and respectively this is how they responded.

17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us[a] from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” 
Daniel 3:17-18

A lot of times we focus on how these guys were willing to stand up and die for what they believed in and that is noble and valid. What I saw that really helped me was the phrase "But even if He doesn't...". Its not that they were not afraid to die, or not distressed with their situation, it was how much faith and hope they had in God that whether He saved them or not, they would not give in. 

So all my why God questions in one moment may have not been answered specifically but I was given a perspective that helped me to deal with it. God, even if I live or die, even if there is sickness and death, even if there is tragedy and hopelessness, I still believe in You, I will obey You and I won't give in. We have the power to hope in a God who loves us. We have the power to overcome fear of death, with hope in life. Even if the outcome isn't ideal or even deliverance, we can stand in hope that God is the ultimate. The alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. That is what Shadrach and Meschach and Abednego seemed to understand. Living there heritage, their faith, their integrity and trusting God was more important in that moment than death even if God didn't swoop in and save them. I would challenge any of you reading today that when you start to despair in life, you say Even if he doesn't, I will believe.  If everything around looks like its falling apart, look up and say one way or the other, I will trust you. There is freedom and victory in confidently declaring the sovereignty of God. 

Live full of Hope today! God has given you the power to!

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