Monday, October 22, 2012

 My thought for today originates from a conversation I had recently with one of my coworkers. She said to me in passing "hey if you want some lotion I brought some with me," she went on to explain that with all the dish washing and baby bottle cleaning on top of working at Outback her hands were so dry. The lotion for her was a reminder that she needed to take care of herself in the midst of taking care of everyone and everything else. As a mom, so often we put ourselves on the back burner. For me its waking up to three needy sons, getting two of them to school and then feeding and changing the baby. I sit down to do something for myself and then remember that I have 4 loads of laundry to do and a sink full of dishes. In the midst of all that,  my hands do get dry. My friend at work had a good point, sometimes you have to do something for yourself even if its something as simple as a little hand cream. This is not about being selfish its about remembering who you are in the midst of all that you are doing. So pick up a bottle of lotion ladies, it can be a spa moment in the midst of a busy life.

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