Friday, October 26, 2012

How to deal with the tragedy all around us...

So lately, it seems as if everything on the news is tragic (not really surprising). Tragic deaths of children it seems are at the forefront and when you have kids its even worse. "Why God" tends to flood instantly into my mind. Why that baby or why that little girl. I just don't understand sometimes. It makes me want to hold onto my children and never let them go. There is no sweet anecdote or saying that can answer the why question. No matter how much I think about it no rhyme or reason can make it better. The reality is there is tragedy in life no matter what. That doesn't mean we live in fear of it or even expect it, but I think being surprised by it should wear off and it doesn't. Wishing that all people are good, all people want what's best. Wishing that people really lived by the golden rule. Wishing that people weren't so selfish that killing or hurting was their only option. In our world, acceptance has become such a huge thing, except everyone for who they are...I can't except someone who kills or hurts a child. This is me being completely honest. I told my husband a week ago after reading a story about the needless death of a little girl, "I hope they find whoever did this, and I hope they rot in jail and I hope that even if they find Jesus, they still rot in jail." This is not me being unforgiving, these are honest feelings from the heart of a mother. I honestly didn't even feel bad saying it. Usually I start to feel guilty, like I should love everyone no matter what, which I think is a common misconception when it comes to Christianity. There is nothing wrong with being angry or disgusted with stuff. Jesus was. So I think dealing with tragedy and pain and sorrow really comes down to being honest with yourself and honest with God. Trying to put expectations on how you should feel in different circumstances is unrealistic. If your angry, if your in pain, if you don't understand, its natural. I say cry out to God. You might not get an answer every time to the why question but there is a verse in scripture that our Pastor spoke from recently concerning this. 
Psalm 73:1-17, read the whole passage when you get the chance. It talks about all the bad stuff that the author is seeing around him. He doesn't understand the evil, he doesn't understand why God is allowing it, he is frustrated, but in verses 16 and 17 he finally comes to terms with it. 
When I tried to understand all this,
    it troubled me deeply, till I entered the sanctuary of God;
    then I understood their final destiny.
If we never even go to God we will constantly wonder why, but in His presence is peace and joy and hope. It might not all make sense but He is still there. So rest in knowing Him and if you don't know him today, take the time to talk to God, you might be surprised what happens in that sanctuary.

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